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Missing Characters Feature May 6, 2024 | Rei
I've made a new tool to note missing characters in titles.


From the character listing on a title page, members can follow the Missing Character link. From here, you can add a character name and any useful info about them.

There's also a handy list of characters in the series, to check against any characters reported as missing. Members may edit and delete their own posts.


I've been learning a few new tricks to MySQL. One nagging problem has been approving characters can sometimes lag for 10 to 20 seconds. In that time, MySQL would be rebuilding 13 indexes on the characters table.

As some time ago I created a "built at midnight, cached table of characters", I figure it will be safer to have the indexes there for searching, and remove the search indexes from the main characters table.

This should speed up the insert, and then anything still depending on the indexes will need to be moved to the cached table.


There's also some nagging problems with MySQL since moving to PHP 8.x

I had a habit of not checking if user input was too long for the text field it was being stored in, since MySQL had the default behavior of silently dropping the portion that would not fit. Shaved off at least 3 lines of code not having to bother checking for that and giving an error. But PHP 8 changed the default behavior to crash the script.


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