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Hiiro no Kakera
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The heroine is a 17 year old girl named Kasuga Tamaki (height: 160cm, birthdate: 6/28, horoscope:cancer) who revisits her grandmother’s village to stay there semi-permanently because her parents have to work overseas. The game starts with her monologuing about how she used to always visit her grandmother’s village as a child but at some point in time stopped going.

While walking along the hillsides waiting for the person who her grandmother sent to fetch Tamaki to the village, Tamaki comes across a small, white round object with sticks for limbs, rofl, and talks. It runs off soon after, with Tamaki chasing after it and soon Tamaki finds herself in a place where ‘it doesn’t feel like the world I came from’. She gets attacked by three slime creatures and some guy comes charging in to save her by clamping his hands around her body and mouth and telling her to be quiet as he saves her.

The guy is Onizaki Takuma who, incidentally, is the guy Tamaki’s grandmother sends along to fetch Tamaki. And now let me reiterate one of the foremost otome game rules : the main guy is always, always the FIRST or SECOND guy the heroine meets in a game. After he saves her, on the route along to the village, Takuma alternates between resentful and reluctant and gives a convoluted explanation on what they had seen earlier, saying the slimes are actually a kind of ‘deity’ or ‘god’ but is not the God that Tamaki is thinking off, but both are from the same world, etc, etc, etc, thus making Tamaki one very confused girl.

Moving along, Tamaki arrives at her grandmother’s place, which is incidentally like a shrine with living quarters. Tamaki meets her grandmother, who explains that Tamaki is a descendant of the 玉依姫、 or Tamayorihime, a line of women who are assigned the task of sealing a dangerous sword, to keep the balance of the world of humans and world of deities in check. In essence, the game is about city girl gets swept up in supernatural village disasters, with a grandma who has a dark secret and grandma’s assistant, who looks and act like a junior version of Stepford Wives.

The girl has conveniently five guardians to help her cope with the task, all of them from families with past connections to the Tamayorihime, to help her in the task, of course. Takuma is one of them.


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Hiiro no Kakera Image
Series ID 100555
Media Type Visual Novel
Title Hiiro no Kakera
English Title Hiiro no Kakera
Romaji Title Hiiro no Kakera
Furigana Title ひいろのかけら
Japanese Title 緋色の欠片
Japanese Studio Name アイディアファクトリー
English Studio Name Idea Factory
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Content Rating T - Teen
Genre Tags ( Add ) otome game
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