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Cirno's Stuff of the Day Nov 12, 2012 | Cirno
Banner by LeNeko
Nov 12, 2012

Have you always wanted a puppy, but your parents said no, you were to busy, or someone had allergies? Well here is the answer to your problem:

Turn your iPhone into a puppy with this amazing and cute accessory! From the makers of the amazing Tamagotchi is this new interactive puppy toy that you can teach tricks, play games with, customize, and more! Comes with everything you need to start playing right out of the box. This is a great way to play with your old iStuff or charge and play with your current phone. This adorable puppy also comes in white.
Do you remember the Tamagotchi?
The Tamagotchi is a handheld digital pet, created in Japan by Akihiro Yokoi of WiZ and Aki Maita of Bandai. It was first sold by Bandai in 1996 in Japan. As of 2010, over 76 million Tamagotchis have been sold world-wide. Most Tamagotchis are housed in a small egg-shaped computer with an interface usually consisting of three buttons.

And now for Cirno's Perfect Trivia Class!

Yesterdays answer: Onigiri, also known as o-musubi or rice ball, is a Japanese food made from white rice formed into triangular or oval shapes and often wrapped in nori (seaweed). Traditionally, an onigiri is filled with pickled ume (umeboshi), salted salmon, katsuobushi, kombu, tarako, or any other salty or sour ingredient as a natural preservative. Because of the popularity of onigiri in Japan, most convenience stores stock their onigiri with various fillings and flavors. There are even specialized shops whose only products are onigiri for take out.

Today's question:
Where did the name “Tamagotchi” come from?

You can submit your answer to, or you can send me a PM.

~ 'Til then,

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