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Stats Server Day 3 Jul 15, 2011 | Rei
Another tough day writing this stats server.

Progress has been made on the core 5 handlers.

void handle_lookup( char * buf, int cfd );
void handle_record( char * buf, int cfd );
void handle_count( char * buf, int cfd );
void handle_update( char * buf, int cfd );
void handle_insert( char * buf, int cfd );

Each of those expands into multiple functions and already hundreds of lines of code.

mysql> select count(*) as n from ustats;
| n |
| 2747 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Hm, interesting. It's not 1,000,000+ records as I feared. Reminds me, I need a means to delete old records. Like our current stats implementation, will keep track of your page views until it is 24 hours old. At which point, it is scheduled for deletion at midnight when our garbage handler runs. However, if like me you use the site day after day, same browser... er, apparently that doesn't matter. I just delete everything at midnight? lol Ah to have a simple implementation that makes sense... oh well, still time to sort all this out.

I'm gradually rewriting the PHP Include file that this aims to replace. Every function using MySQL API's will use Goral Software's Database API's. hehe

With a little luck, might be able to do some live testing this weekend.

Hm... although, I might want to run this through a Memory Leak detector before going live. Tho with 10GB of RAM, it's not like the server would instantly go down. haha. but nonetheless, it'd be a good idea

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