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Cirno's Stuff of the Day Oct 29, 2012 | Cirno
Oct 29, 2012

Would you like some cookies? Today's Item will help you make the perfect cookies. Your next batch of goodness could be tasty and cute with these:

Pandas are undoubtedly adorable and we all know that a good cookie is hard to refuse. So now, you can put them together, and create a warm, delicious bunch of panda cookies! These wonderful plastic cookie cutters come in a set of four panda shapes, and can even put faces on your cookies! You'll have to be very very careful tho, or they might become too cute to eat!

And now for Cirno's Perfect Trivia Class!

Today's question:
Last day to answer the epic question:

If you could eat a berry that could magically make you understand, read and write Japanese perfectly or have a cup that could transport you to Japan and back any time you want, which would you choose?

Thanks to LeNeko, KidA, UltimateDesura, and Kana-sama for giving their opinion so far!

You can submit an answer to, or send me a PM.

~ Have a spectacular day!

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