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120 Requests Per Second May 8, 2022 | Rei
Earlier today, we had a massive traffic spike. Largely consisting of new people using our Visual Search. When I went to visit the site, I unexpectedly got:


I've been reworking our nginx config to do the best we can with the hardware we've got.

3r/s per person
120r/s globally

is looking to be the sweet spot where the site is quick and responsive normally. And when there is a massive number of requests all at once, they get averaged out and queued - responding a few seconds later rather than giving a 500 error.

PHP FMP continues to work amazingly well. 8 responder process ensures mysqld never gets over loaded. Although, at one point our mysqld hit over 560% CPU usage.

A big Welcome! to the 100+ people who joined today. I hope you'll have fun exploring the site, and trying the many things we have to offer!

Our wiki is another great place to learn about the unique things here.

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Carterice : he deserves all my jewels ≻:3 i will do anything for him

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