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Software Upgrades Mar 31, 2022 | Rei
This week I have been learning about PHP-FMP.

ACDB's been using PHP-CGI since forever, but today we're moving onto PHP-FMP to take advantage of queuing.

I've spent a lot of time this month trying to optimize the site, but the same situation kept causing problems. Anytime there was a spike with a massive number of requests at the same second, the site would temporarily grind to a halt.

With queuing, we can now maximize the throughput of the site by limiting concurrency, and queuing up all excess requests.

It will take some time to get the numbers lined up ideally, but for now, the site should be able to handle more load than ever before.

I've also upgraded php, libressl and nginx to the latest versions. This added support for TSL 1.3

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