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Cirno's Stuff of the Day Oct 20, 2012 | Cirno
Oct 20, 2012

Welcome back to Cirno's Stuff of the Day, Cosplay Edition! Yesterday, we saw a beautiful yukata for ladies. Today, we have another one:

Cotton Yukata for Men

Today when I set out to find the perfect Item for Stuff of the Day I was beginning to feel like the guys are often being left out. So today we have a wonderful traditional Japanese yukata for men! This yukata is decorated with a very stylish Japanese carp pattern in white and black colors, with small hints of red accents. The thin cotton fabric will keep you cool on a hot day, and no one can argue about how comfortable a yukata is for lounging around the house. It also comes with a matching belt. It is completely machine washable.

And now for Cirno's Perfect Trivia Class!

Yesterday's answer: The cherry blossom is important in Japanese culture as it represents the end of the winter and the being of new life and growing season of spring.

Today's question:
Translate the word “koi” from Japanese to English.

You can submit you answer to, or you can send me a PM. I will provide the correct answer in tomorrows post.

~ 'Til then,

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