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Cirno's Stuff of the Day Oct 14, 2012 | Cirno
Oct 14, 2012

Hello everyone! Halloween is coming, so we all better be getting prepared!

If you need some ideas and inspiration, then you've come to the right place. For the next little while, my Stuff will help you fulfill your cosplay dreams! Today's I chose a nice little bit of kawaii (cute) for all you lolis who want to keep warm on those chilly days of late fall and early winter:

Rabbit Moko Moko Parka!

Its furry and pink, and perfect for Halloween or just any day when you want to astonish the world with a big bit of cute. It would even make a great gift. After all, the Holiday season is approaching, and you know you don't want to get caught up with the last minute crowd.

If you are looking for an adorable and functional cosplay for this winter, or you want to make a real statement with your style, or if you know someone who will, this bunny parka is what you've been looking for!

And now for Cirno's Perfect Trivia Class!

The answer to yesterday's question, correctly given by mysterious_devil_angel is: The Maneki-neko ( literally "Beckoning Cat"; also known as Welcoming Cat, Lucky Cat, Money Cat, or Fortune Cat) is a common Japanese figurine (lucky charm, talisman), usually made of ceramic, which is believed to bring good luck to the owner. The figurine depicts a cat (traditionally a calico Japanese Bobtail) beckoning with an upright paw, and is usually displayed—many times at the entrance—in shops, restaurants, pachinko parlors, and other businesses.

Today's question:
If you could cosplay as any character at all, who would it be?

If you want to contribute your answer you can send it to

~ Have fun!,

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