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Password Reset NOW POSSIBLE Jan 9, 2012 | Rei
Passwords can now be recovered using a standard, and simple process.

Head over to A link is also available to this tool on the Login page.

Step 1 is to provide the email address your account was registered under.

Please be careful, and enter it correctly. You are permitted 3 attempts per day.

After entering a valid email address, a reset key will be generated and emailed to you within 5 or 10 minutes, usually. I purposely rate limit our emails, just in case some clever hacker breaks in and finds a way to send a 100 million emails - they'll be queued up and sent one every 5 minutes.

Once you have your reset code, copy and paste it into

Step 2

If the key is valid, you'll be redirected to your Account Settings page where you will be prompted to update your password.

That's all there is to it. ^_^

Oh, one more note for Nerds:

You can use the Password Reset like a one-time-passphrase. Since it automatically logs you in, and can be used only once - it makes for an ideal means of logging into the site from places you suspect might be bugged with key loggers or packet sniffers.

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