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ACDB Staff Alignment Project Dec 14, 2011 | anonymous17
We have made our site's staff very own Alignment chart.

For those of you who doesn't know what I'm talking about,
Here's an explanation of what Alignment is:
"Character Alignment is a shorthand for a given character's (or religion's, society's, organization's, etc.) moral/ethical outlook on Life, the Universe, and Everything. Many roleplaying games use some sort of alignment system as an "ideal" for a character to live up to, though some gamers deride them as crutches to "real roleplaying," and some systems accordingly have none at all." (Quoted from

(If you still don't understand, just go to this forum to find out what was going on.)


For the past three (!) weeks we've been discussing this topic on the forum and creating our own alignment posters. I was the leader of this project, and Sas was editing all of the images. I am very frateful for his help.

This is the result of our work:


These are the members who took part in this project, and helped out in the process too:
EatsSweets, Rei, Rinn, flareburst, Igraine, CaptainBrain, LiCobra, Sas and me, anonymous17.

All of the participants will be getting an award, which hasn't been created yet. The award is now discussed on this forum. (the last page of the forum, where we've been discussing this prject earlier.)
EDIT: The awards were created and given away on 2011\12\15.

I'd like to thank all of you who was taking part in this project! It was a very fun way to draw many members of our main staff together! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

anonymous17 (AKA Hime-sama)

P.S.: I wish we could do another project like that, so the whole staff could participate! Or maybe we can do it every year.

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