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SSL Renewal May 6, 2020 | Rei
This month has been hell for me, trying to cancel the old server, get a refund, and learn how to use Let's Encrypt certbot since our SSL certs were nearing expiry and the website I had been using to issue them discontinued that particular service. I came up with my own method, and will share it for anyone facing a similar situation!

How to use certbot to get SSL certs for a server you can ssh into, but not run certbot on.
And run certbot as a non-privilaged user without sudo.

# STEP 1 - Setup Dirs for certbot and sshfs

mkdir -p /home/rei/SSL/config
mkdir -p /home/rei/SSL/work
mkdir -p /home/rei/SSL/logs
mkdir -p /home/rei/SSL/webroot/.well-known/acme-challenge

# STEP 2 - Use sshfs to make the local challenge files magically appear on your remote server

sshfs rei:/home/www/htdocs/.well-known/acme-challenge /home/rei/SSL/webroot/.well-known/acme-challenge

# STEP 3 - Run certbot with all the domains

certbot certonly --webroot --webroot-path /home/rei/SSL/webroot --config-dir /home/rei/SSL/config --work-dir /home/rei/SSL/work --logs-dir /home/rei/SSL/logs -d -d -d -d -d

# STEP 4 - Confirm success run of certbot output

- Congratulations! Your certificate and chain have been saved at:
Your key file has been saved at:
Your cert will expire on 2020-08-04. To obtain a new or tweaked
version of this certificate in the future, simply run certbot
again. To non-interactively renew *all* of your certificates, run
"certbot renew"

# STEP 5 - Upload your fullchain.pem and privkey.pem and updated nginx.conf

scp /home/rei/SSL/config/live/ root@rei:/home/www/etc
scp /home/rei/SSL/config/live/ root@rei:/home/www/etc
scp nginx.conf root@rei:/home/www/etc

# STEP 6 - Unmount sshfs

fusermount3 -u /home/rei/SSL/webroot/.well-known/acme-challenge

# STEP 7 - Restart nginx

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