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nginx Apr 4, 2020 | Rei
Getting a little bit closer to making the switch to a new server, and a new server software.

One nginx process will be able to replace 13 lighttpd instances.

I've got about 6 jobs in front of me now.

- Deciding whether to continue using Session Server on the new server, or switch back to doing it within a database table. On the Pro side: Doing it within a DB would allow me to switch servers more seamlessly - keeping most people logged in. On the Con side: A lot of our spam mitigation depends on SS.

- File uploads. Chrooting ImageMagick and Ghostscript, securing them, and testing them.

- DoS mitigation within nginx

- Migrating my email solution

- Rewriting cron scripts to use mysqli functions

- Exploring advanced nginx.conf features that could be useful


Changes today

Reworked the MENU to be an ajax call. Should speed up page loading times a bit, while slowing down the initial load of the menu. Opted against having it on it's own page, as sometime I just want to take a peek but remain on the page I am on.

A new season of anime is upon us. I'll be getting back to adding quotes.

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