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Updates Mar 29, 2020 | Rei
Burnt myself out again with a batch of coding ~

I've updated the daily cron script to restart our 13 web servers every day at midnight. The web software continues to find new ways to crash, so this change should prevent downtime from exceeding 24 hours.
Also reworked the Daily Status Report to have 3 lines from the access logs. Anything going long periods without returning a page is likely down.

I patched the lounge to do a better job recovering from loading errors. It polls a FD every 5 seconds, and on change does a second fetch. I gutted a lot of the code, and had it place error messages in the Time Stamp area.

Also looked into reworking ACDB Bot lounge messages to trigger a lounge refresh. Unfortunately it requires modding a page out of sync with the server, so will have to leave that patch for the server upgrade.

Patched the tagmoderation.php admin page to look up a count of tags in the database. Making it easier to spot tags that should not be approved.

Brought back a Random bar. Random characters has always been an important feature of the site. And ties in with having fun treasure hunting or doing the capture game. Made a new handler for the redirects that can pretty efficiently pick out a random ID from a filtered set.

A - Anime
F - Female
G - Game
M - Male
Q - Quote
V - Voice Actor

Also killed off the 5px padding I had appended to every div's bottom.

I kinda want to gut the menu from rendering on EVERY page. In fact it would be real nice to make our pages leaner ...
I might have it render in full on the front page only. And turn it into a URL everywhere else.

Some other high priorities include cleaning up and standardizing the layouts of pages linked from the random bar.
The layouts should be identical.
And that means gutting a lot of clutter that's built up on anime pages, and completely reworking my quotes toolset. It's over 10k lines of experiments. Time to narrow it down to the best and improve there.

Will get around to adding progress bars to the ACDBDEX.

Pondering whether or not I should drop ss for a mariadb alternative ... Would like to take some time to define the problem, and look for the best solution.

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