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Past Week Nov 7, 2019 | Rei
Been working on my computers at home this week. I wanted to merge tasks I had spread across 3 computers into one. Complex as that is, progress was made, and then KERNEL PANIC crashed the machine and I had to roll everything back.

Has been kinda fun learning about SMART :

smartctl controls the Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology (SMART) system
built into most ATA/SATA and SCSI/SAS hard drives and solid-state drives.

smartctl -t long /dev/sdc
smartctl -a /dev/sdc

Unfortunately, the drive I thought might be bad passed the test. *sigh*

I can't really have a computer tasked with backups and development that is crash prone, so racking my brain for a solution here.

I know my way around OpenBSD quite well, but it crashes ....

FreeBSD or Linux could do the same job, it'd just be bloody annoying to learn how to setup right.


I updated the Add a Character toolset specifically for moderators. Upon adding a new character, there will be a field to enter in a CV making assigning one right away a lot easier. Takes you to the Edit Character page in VA mode with the search results. I also updated the search to repeat the search with spaces removed, in the event we have the Kanji name without a space.


Added some quotes to Phantasy Star Online 2: Episode Oracle Episode 1

Not a fun one to index. So many expendable characters ( ie. unnamed. and killed off. ), in addition to mysterious character that will only be named later in the series, AND katakana names that are brutal on me to translate. Could use some help cleaning up the mess I made of that. XD


For some laughs and to relax, I think I'll index an episode of Kore wa Zombie desu ka?



A lot remains on my mind I would like to work on... Such as

1. Patreon relaunch - promoting it on the top of the site, simplifying the tiers, implementing something on an unlock code system that would link your ACDB account and auto issue you a SS Treasure Hunting license.

2. Character text profile editor

3. Quote system that allows members to submit quotes

4. Caching certain events ..... such as Date Latest News posted, # characters in mod queue

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