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30,000 and Sept traffic spike Sep 4, 2011 | Rei
Hit 30,000 characters just a couple days ago. Wonder what the odds are we can keep up a thousand a month? We're at 30134 right now.

Also with the start of September, there's been a massive spike in traffic. 35,721 visitors and 8,557,151 page views on September 2nd? Jeez.

I've made some tweaks with the MySQL DB in hopes of temporary buying some more time. suggested

So I'll be trying that.

All these view counters... seem to be the root of the problem.

Also binary tree indexes, now that I understand them in more detail....

Auto increment primary key, binary tree index. WHAT THE fork. How do sites with 100,000,000+ entries deal with the auto rebuild of the index after x new records are added triggering an index rebuild to recenter the index?

Buy faster hardware? Stupid.

Use a different type of index? Now we're getting somewhere...

Hopefully as I study the problem, I'll learn more about what the options are so I can laugh at the ignorant me later on. XD

Seeing how Memory Table storage engine in MySQL supports only hash indexes... I'd consider that as a reasonable alternative.... YET

even a memory table with 10% writes and 90% selects can still LOCK up with 10+ seconds from time to time. un****ing believable. must be a design flaw in mysql, cause i sure as **** can design something a lot better in C. and will.

30,000 records spanning 4 INTs can, and should not take more than mere nano seconds for any operation. heck, even 300,000 rows shouldn't take more than a few nano seconds.

there must be indexes well suited for sequential numbers....


Optimizing the site has rather been my only focus as of lately. Not that there isn't a lot else going on.

Character pages have been updated to include

* Date Created
* Date Modified
* References

Started work on a Dash Board, something of a Heads Up Display with the goal to quickly show what changes have been happening on the site of interest to moderators.

Plans to rework the Who's This Character Board are also in the works.

More of a focus on displaying images, moving away from the original "linked images only" model.

Also updating large parts of the character code, and trying to handle different types of duplicates correctly. Redirecting to original in case of a complete duplicate. And informing in the case of an update / outdated version.

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