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What I'm Working On Mar 16, 2018 | Rei
I'm going to take some time to revisit cards this month.

There have been a lot of great ideas sent my way, and I will take some time to look into as many as I can.

To name a few:

Card Market

Updating the request option to act more like a buy order. Such that we can have side by side listing of :

Buy For | Sell For

And transactions can be completed automatically provided a buyer and seller agree.


It seems like better tools are needed for extracting essences.

And crafting essences into cards could be worth while.

Achievement | Copies

I'd like to make it clearer every card you have collected is remembered by the system.

Such that if you were to extract every copy, or sell every copy of every card you have .... you'd still have credit for having "unlocked" each card.

Modifications Post Publication

It seems there are legit needs to edit card sets after publishing, I'll exploring making this possible.


I'll also be exploring limits we have in place. I believe currently everyone is capped at 10,000 card copies.

Searching and Filtering and Sorting

I'll also be looking into improving tools so you can find the cards that interest you quickly and easily.

Card Packs

I should make this easier to use.

Gifting Cards

I should also make this easier to do.

I know there are many more ideas worthy of consideration - I'll do my best to tackle as many of these as I can before the month is out, so I can consider more after. ^_^

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