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no more Port 81 Aug 15, 2011 | Rei
Kouta Ikari Ayanami pointed out some public networks use web filtering that blocks non-web associated ports. This was causing a lot of problems with using ACDB.

CSS would not load.
Images would not load.

When we moved to this new server, I only had one IP address. In such a situation, the only way to run multiple servers is by running them on different ports.

Port 80 is used for rendering PHP pages. Everything else, like static content, I like to move to another server. And since we have a dual hex-core server, it made even more sense to set up a firewall-level round-robin to spread the load evenly across many servers.

Anyways, I set that up using Port 81.

Then we finally got a /29 IP allotment, I couldn't quite figure out how to do the RDR NAT to make it work on another IP running Port 80.

Turns out, all I needed was this one line:

rdr on rl0 inet proto tcp from any to port = http -> {,,,, } port 81 round-robin

Now all that's left is spotting and repairing any manually entered :81 links in the source code.

The main change is
has been replaced with

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