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Last Week Aug 13, 2011 | Rei
Been a while with no news!

A few note worthy things happen last week.


The first round of automatic promotions have begun. Every 10 days of using the site, a member earns a new rank.

Also, we've added in 3 ranks we missed, bringing the total number of ranks to 37! Many thanks to CaptainBrain for compiling the rank info. ^_^

Books / Guides

A new feature that allows easily creating, updating and maintain guide books has been made available to admins. Once we have some guides worth reading, I'll make an announcement. I hope to explain much of how the site works, what features the site has, and provide examples and guidelines using this new books feature.

Non-Human Characters

Perhaps the biggest change! We've taken yet another step towards our goal of having all animated characters in our database.

Currently, the Non-Human DB is broken into a few categories.

1. Animals
2. Non-Human
3. In Armor
4. Manga

To use, in the Main Search panel near the bottom of it, select a Type .

I kinda like browsing the animals. Amazing how many of them are iconic characters in certain series. I'm glad we can finally add them!

The manga characters will be used for Black and White images. This could give us a head start on indexing the latest characters.

Bash Scripting


until [ -z "$1" ]

iceweasel "http://athlon/$1"
sleep 1


Always wanted something like that. Now I can open all the code I'm working on with the same command I use to edit in bulk.

kate *tags*
k *tags*


Who Board

Also updated the Who's This Character Board yesterday.

Mainly CSS improvements. But also expanded the mod panel to have a Broken Link section. And removed the 0's from the ID's in the mod panel.

Still need to run another pass on it. Make use of the inputted mod info.

And some layout tweaks were made. Splitting the parent and child posts into different frames.

Uh, hopefully I didn't miss any frame containers.


Admins can now give out admin levels using the profile browsing.

I'm amazed how many members have added profiles. Never expected it to be a popular feature. Guess I'll work some more improvements into it.


did some work on drafting preference settings. no real progress yet. but eventually, PM Notification emails will be opt-in rather than automatic.


added a small JList button to the site. i love the stuff they sell. but with the high yen, and expensive shipping ... maybe i'll just buy a calendar in time for christmas. haha

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