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more speed Aug 2, 2011 | Rei
Noticed today a lot of the Character and Anime view counters were slowing down the site.

Especially when new characters are added, it can take an average of 1 second to rebuild the indexes. A lot of the errors tho were for cases taking around 10 seconds to complete.

While I would like to code an extendable database framework in C, it's a project that should take upwards of a week, and one I'd like to do concurrently with a Binary Tree module ... which I still lack.

Anyways, the Views are expendable. They generate themselves, after all. THat's why I can code a risky replacement which could lose all data. And it's why I can change the storage engine from InnoDB to memory. I had tried different indexes, but it was kinda like an idiot pressing all the buttons on a remote to change the channel. I did more harm than good. The memory storage engine should never take more than a second to complete any operation of this fixed data set. Even without proper indexes.

And another update on the stats server memory usage.

Seems to have stabilized now.

73375 rei 1 45 1 19112K 15608K accept 1 113:36 0.00% ss

19MB max allocated, and 15MB in use. Not bad at all.

Hopefully later this month I can start on the next version of the Stats Server.

Feature requests include:
- Binary Tree Indexes
- export to disk
- load from file
- dynamic table frameworks

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