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Look forward to September ! Aug 31, 2015 | Rei
Many updates will be coming in September.

As some may already know, every summer I take something of a forced vacation. The heat quite literally disables my ability to program.

But with the cool weather of Fall and Winter soon arriving, I'm gonna work my fingers to the bone coding every last idea I have for the site!

Guilds and Cards will be two areas of focus.

I want to allow Guilds to advertise on the site. Guild owners will be able to create ads, and moderators will choose which ones run.

Sizes allowed include :


As for cards, the idea is to make a card game. Seeing as there are limitless ways to make card games, you can expect many card games to spring up!

What I feel the most motivated to do is, make EVERY character on ACDB a NPC you can challenge to a card game. Win enough games, you unlock more characters you can challenge.

The difficulty will be set extremely high, so you have a 90% chance of losing.

I'll probably make yet another currency ... and have pretty strict caps and limitations on it.

Also, Cirno will be making some waves on the site with her projects this year! It's gonna be exciting !

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