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Coming January 1st, 2014 Dec 30, 2013 | Rei
ACDB Guilds

Back when I was at University studying Political Science and playing TES Oblivion and pondering ways to take ACDB to new levels of awesome - the idea hit me. What if I were to combine all the cool things I've observed in my life - the Mages Guild in TES, the United Nations, democracy, mmo battles, image sharing, discussions, voting, awards, competitions, individuality, leadership, membership and anything else imaginable into a framework of hierarchical organization. The answer that came to me was Guilds.

Every winter since 2010, I have dedicated significant effort to working on making this project a reality. Given the ambition, it takes a lot of work. Thousand of lines of code to have just the mere base. The full realization of all my ideas may well take 10's of thousands of lines of code.

Each winter I would make progress. And each winter I would fail to complete the project.

This time however, I have selected a few core features. Features that are simple, basic, easy to use. Features that are meaningful, useful and fun.

1) guilds
2) message boards
3) image gallery

These core features also expand into many sub features to make them more modern and useful.

Guilds are assigned to realms. Guilds have members and admins. You can create guilds, join guilds, leave guilds, disband guilds, promote members, demote members, make the guild public, make the guild private, invite members, kick out members, and edit the guild description.

Message boards are like a simplified forum. You can start new topics, post replies, preview posts, edit posts, delete posts, make a thread as a Sticky or Announcement type.

Image galleries are broken into collections. Each collection can have images uploaded to it. Each 50x50 image can be converted into a guild crest.

Anyways, this is only the beginning! Please create, join, and use guilds however you wish!

2014 is the Year of Guilds on ACDB. Please look forward to many new features in the months to come!

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