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Cirno's Stuff of the Day Feb 15, 2013 | Cirno

Sorry for the delay, had midterms this week *rolls eyes* So, right back to Stuff of the Day!

Until recently, I was hesitant about bringing you games. This is because, I'll be honest, it is not an area I feel confident in. I don't know what games are cool, what systems you guys play, or what you want. It would be so much easier if you guys could give me some tips. What do you look for in a new game?

Today I bring you something cool for sure: Kinect Star Wars! (Xbox360 & Kinect)

Now you can really step into the world of Star Wars! With the controller free technology that is Kinect for Xbox360, you can physically experience adventures as a Jedi. In this world you will be able to use the force, fight with a light sabre, zoom in a podracer and fly starships! Xbox360 Kinect allows you to control the game with full body movements, and what better a game to experience this than Star Wars?

Did you know that there is an official Jedi religion? The Jedi Church believes that there is on all powerful force that binds all things in the universe together. They accept all races and species from all over the universe as potential members of the religion.

~ May the Force be with you! And don't forget to give my tips and suggestions as to what games to bring to Stuff of the Day!

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