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Cirno's Stuff of the Day, SEASON TWO!!! Dec 12, 2012 | Cirno
Dec 12, 2012

Hello again everyone! After a 9 day intermission, may I present to you Cirno's Stuff of the day, Season Two! We are back and better than ever! Here to bring you:
More cool stuff!
More Perfect Trivia!
Even more cool stuff!

So, here we go again! I'm so exited, as I've missed writing for my Stuff of the day. Today, as it is December and the new year is coming, I present to you another calendar, this one featuring our favourite leek girl:

This beautiful calendar has artwork of Miku and her other vocaloid friends. Let Miku accompany you through another year full of potential! With a nice, big size of 59.4 x 42.0 cm (23.4 x 16.5 in ), it's alsi a great decoration. For those of you who don't know what Vocaloid is, it is a software used to synthesize vocals. When used properly, vocaloid can sound pretty close to an actual voice. There are currently more than 20 vocaloid voices available.

And now for Cirno's Perfect Trivia Class!

I can't believe it took three days for you guys to answer my last question. Are the questions too hard? :P

Answer for our last question, answered by Solky, UltimateDesura and KidA: Hashima Island commonly called Gunkanjima (meaning Battleship Island), is one among 505 uninhabited islands in the Nagasaki Prefecture. Hashima Island, bought in 1890 by Mitsubishi, is known for its coal mines and their operation during the industrialization of Japan. In 1959, the 6.3-hectare island's population reached its peak of 5,259, with a population density of 835 people per hectare for the whole island.

As petroleum replaced coal in Japan in the 1960s, coal mines began shutting down all over the country, and Hashima's mines were no exception. Mitsubishi officially announced the closing of the mine in 1974, and today Hashima Island is empty and bare, which is why it is called Ghost Island.

Today's question:
Who is the author of the manga “Jack frost”?

You can submit you answer to, or you can send me a PM. I will provide the correct answer in tomorrow's post.

~ 'Til then,

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