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Cirno's Stuff of the Day Nov 26, 2012 | Cirno
Nov 26, 2012

Hello again! Here is a weird and fun item from Japan:

Don't worry, the poop is already in a toilet bowl! These bouncy little balls of fun come in different varieties: the toilets come in both Japanese and Western style, and the piles of poop have 10 different colours and facial expressions. Show your super bouncy ball of toilet of poop off to your friends! A great fun, small gift and for slow, boring days.

And now for Cirno's Perfect Trivia Class!

The answer to yesterday's question, attempted by Mitsugu, Kana-sama, and given by KidA: The longest running anime series to date is Sazae-san. Originally a weekly comic strip written and illustrated by Machiko Hasegawa, Sazae-san was later adapted into an anime comedy series by Fuji Television on October 5 1969. With 6429+ episodes, still on the air today and currently in production, Sazae-san is the longest-running anime and non-soap opera scripted TV series in history.

Today's question:
Pokémon is the second-most successful game franchise in the world, behind only what franchise?

If you would like to submit your answer you can send it to, or send me a PM. I will give you the answer tomorrow.

~ Cyall!

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