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ID 20869
Role Main Character
From Elfen Lied
Media Type anime
Voiced By Chihiro Suzuki, 鈴木千尋, すずき ちひろ
EN Voice Actor Adam Conlon

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Kouta is a character from the Anime Elfen Lied.

They have been indexed as Male Teen with Blue eyes and Black hair that is To Neck length.


Kouta is main male character of the series. He arrives in Kanagawa Prefecture to attend college, having previously arranged to stay with his cousin Yuka while at school.
Kouta enters the story when Yuka's family rents him a closed-down restaurant, the Kaeda House, as long as he maintains it, and begins living there with Yuka while going to a university. Kouta has repressed traumatic memories of witnessing the deaths of his father and sister. He suffers from Amnesia brought on by the trauma of this event, caused him to end up in a hospital for some time following the event. Due in part to his loss, Kouta is sympathetic towards girls in trouble and is extremely generous and protective to the girls around him, because he can relate to them and they remind him of his late younger sister, Kanae.
In the anime, he meets Lucy on a family vacation, while going to the mountain to draw. He strikes up a conversation with her, finds her horns fascinating, and gives her a hat to cover them up while in public. They become friends and he takes her to the zoo, telling her that he likes to look at the "weird animals."
His repressed memories are triggered when Lucy uses her vectors to kill over a dozen soldiers in front of him, afterwards singing "Lilium", the song that brought them together.
*Spoiler Alert!!*
In the last chapter of the manga, he fulfills his promise to Lucy and kills her. Later, he and Yuka are married, and subsequently name their daughter "Nyu".
Trait Appears (actual)
Gender Male
Eye Color Blue
Hair Color Black
Hair Length To Neck
Apparent Age Teen
Animal Ears No
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2004 Trivia

2004 was a great year for anime. We have all kinds of interesting and fascinating trivia from this year to share with you. The most viewed series from that year on Anime Characters Database is Bleach ( 265 views ). Our series view count resets each month as to give you a rolling idea what is currently popular. A total of 88 titles were released in 2004. Don't forget to have a look at what was most popular - you can even filter the list by genre helping you to more quickly spot titles that may be to your liking. By the way, it is possible we missed a title from this year, and we could use your help adding it! Let's continue with the trivia. The most violent of these is considered to be Elfen Lied ( Avg. Rating 5.0000/5.0000 ) and the least violent is Twin Love ( Avg. Rating 0.0000/5.0000 ). Members have the option to assign a violence rating to their favorite series. The series with the most characters is Bleach ( 224 characters ) and the series with the fewest is Shin Getter Robo ( 1 characters ). Most titles have at least 10 characters by their final episode. We can always use help adding characters we missed! Please be sure to read this guide to adding characters first if you are interested. The series with the longest title is Agatha Christies Great Detectives Poirot and Marple ( 51 letters ) and the series with the shortest title is Major ( 5 letters ). I hope you found this information interesting, and continue to explore ACDB to your hearts content. ^_^

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