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This review will mainly be about Hunter x Hunter 2011, as the old anime is probably not as good as the new one.

Animation and music : first off, I think the animation is really good quality, and I never saw any episode which quality disappointed me. As for the music, the Hunter x Hunter OST always add positively to the scenes and I cannot think of many scenes in which the music didn't fit. When it comes to the opening, I think it is very nice that the opening song never changes while the images do, it adds some sort of continuity to the series. The endings are usually quite good too.

Story and characters : if you want to watch Hunter x Hunter expecting a light-hearted shounen anime about friendship then you'll be surprised. Hunter x Hunter DOES have some typical shounen animes themes like friendship, believing in your dreams, etc, but what I think makes Hunter x Hunter such a great anime is the fact that none of the themes (or characters) is seen in a ''black or white'' form. That is, you don't see the usual ''good vs evil'' trivia, as all the characters are clearly both good and evil.
It does mean that most characters are very complex and thus very interesting. While the main character, Gon, may at first seem innocent and pure-hearted, he clearly has a lot of flaws : he's selfish, reckless, and doesn't hesitate to do what he wants to do, even if it could hurt other people (more emotionally than physically usually) or himself (in this case it would be more physically). But all these flaws make him a realistic and interesting character, because let's remember that in the beginning he's 12 and where the anime is currently he's about 14. We can say that he acts his age.
Now about other characters, a lot of them are not what they seem to be. An heartless assassin can be a passionate friend and perfect big brother, a troop of thieves with no values can care deeply about their comrades, chimera ants who are supposed to be merciless and only obey their king develop emotions, etc. As opposed, characters who seem like ''good people'' can get consumed by rage or revenge, etc.
What is great about the story itself is that it doesn't always focus on the main character and focuses on a lot of minor characters too, which gives you a better understanding of the story (different points of views) and gets you attached to more characters.

It's also worth mentioning that the anime contains some psychological scenes, emotional manipulations, depictions of death, violence and extreme violence (although nothing too graphic because of censure) also on kids and minors, so you shouldn't watch it if you don't like that kind of stuff. But if you don't mind, you should give it a go !

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