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Perfect Zeong Perfect Zeong Height: 3010cm Height: 98‘9“ Inspect
Eclipse Gundam Eclipse Gundam Height: 2218cm Height: 72‘9“ Inspect
ZZ Gundam ZZ Gundam Height: 2211cm Height: 72‘6“ Inspect
Turn A Gundam Turn A Gundam Height: 2000cm Height: 65‘7“ Inspect
Zeta Gundam Zeta Gundam Height: 1985cm Height: 65‘1“ Inspect
Gundam Schwarzette Gundam Schwarzette Height: 1870cm Height: 61‘4“ Inspect
Gundam Pixy Gundam Pixy Height: 1830cm Height: 60‘ Inspect
Gundam Calibarn Gundam Calibarn Height: 1820cm Height: 59‘8“ Inspect
G-Saviour G-Saviour Height: 1820cm Height: 59‘8“ Inspect
Gundam Gundam Height: 1800cm Height: 59‘ Inspect
Gundam Aerial Gundam Aerial Height: 1800cm Height: 59‘ Inspect
Gundam Barbatos Gundam Barbatos Height: 1800cm Height: 59‘ Inspect
Zaku II Zaku II Height: 1750cm Height: 57‘4“ Inspect
Zeong Zeong Height: 1730cm Height: 56‘9“ Inspect
Gundam Rose Gundam Rose Height: 1620cm Height: 53‘1“ Inspect
Victory 2 Gundam Victory 2 Gundam Height: 1590cm Height: 52‘1“ Inspect
Victory Gundam Victory Gundam Height: 1520cm Height: 49‘10“ Inspect
Gundam F91 Gundam F91 Height: 1500cm Height: 49‘2“ Inspect
Kapool Kapool Height: 1400cm Height: 45‘11“ Inspect
Allelujah Haptism Allelujah Haptism Height: 186cm Height: 6‘1“ Inspect
Lockon Stratos Lockon Stratos Height: 185cm Height: 6‘ Inspect
Zechs Marquise Zechs Marquise Height: 184cm Height: 6‘ Inspect
Treize Khushrenada Treize Khushrenada Height: 181cm Height: 5‘11“ Inspect
Dearka Elthman Dearka Elthman Height: 176cm Height: 5‘9“ Inspect
Howard Mason Howard Mason Height: 176cm Height: 5‘9“ Inspect
Saji Crossroad Saji Crossroad Height: 168cm Height: 5‘6“ Inspect
Sally Po Sally Po Height: 166cm Height: 5‘5“ Inspect
Lucrezia Noin Lucrezia Noin Height: 165cm Height: 5‘4“ Inspect
Nicol Amalfi Nicol Amalfi Height: 165cm Height: 5‘4“ Inspect
Christina Mackenzie Christina Mackenzie Height: 165cm Height: 5‘4“ Inspect
Cagalli Yula Athha Cagalli Yula Athha Height: 164cm Height: 5‘4“ Inspect
Bart Heim Bart Heim Height: 164cm Height: 5‘4“ Inspect
Wang Liu Mei Wang Liu Mei Height: 163cm Height: 5‘4“ Inspect
Flay Allster Flay Allster Height: 162cm Height: 5‘3“ Inspect
Lady Une Lady Une Height: 161cm Height: 5‘3“ Inspect
Christina Sierra Christina Sierra Height: 160cm Height: 5‘2“ Inspect
Trowa Barton Trowa Barton Height: 160cm Height: 5‘2“ Inspect
Cathrine Bloom Cathrine Bloom Height: 158cm Height: 5‘2“ Inspect
Wufei Chang Wufei Chang Height: 156cm Height: 5‘1“ Inspect
Duo Maxwell Duo Maxwell Height: 156cm Height: 5‘1“ Inspect
Quatre Rabarba Winner Quatre Rabarba Winner Height: 156cm Height: 5‘1“ Inspect
Heero Yuy Heero Yuy Height: 156cm Height: 5‘1“ Inspect
Relena Darlian Relena Darlian Height: 154cm Height: 5‘ Inspect
Leina Ashta Leina Ashta Height: 153cm Height: 5‘ Inspect
Nena Trinity Nena Trinity Height: 151cm Height: 4‘11“ Inspect
Elpeo Ple Elpeo Ple Height: 150cm Height: 4‘11“ Inspect

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