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This is a really great anime <3

The plot is nice. It keeps it so you don't get pounded with information that you instantly have to learn.
It gives us enough suspense that we don't feel like it we have to skip ahead in the series to figure out what happens or so little suspense that we get bored. It was a very nice combination.

Also, it wasn't overly gruesome, so you can eat before or during this anime. The action that they display is very well done.
I couldn't find nearly anything wrong with this anime, except the last episode. It left a lot of holes that I really hope they make a season two to cover. I truly would love to see a second season for this anime!
I also didn't like how little it actually focused on the characters. I had such a hard time deciding which was my favorite because there wasn't enough time spent on them. The characters were all thrown in at once, and we are expected to love them instantly. It was kind of hard to get a real connection with any of the characters.

Overall, I would give it an 8 out of 10 because it really was an enjoyable anime.
I feel this is an anime that deserves a bit of attention and fans.

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