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Mitsugu Mouryou’s Anime Review

Bakeneko: Uhhggg! This was bad… so-so plot, poor translation, and very poor animation. In fact, the animation was almost exclusive to the eyes and mouths. It was more so a semi-animated graphic novel/webcomic. As if that wasn't bad enough, the character designs were so poor they looked like they were done by a drunken troubled child off their meds. I found it to be so bad that I could only find one redeeming quality: it was only 3 episodes long, unlike the others that were 4. That being said I must give this a -2.0 (out of 10) just glad it’s over with, and will not view again.

Thank you

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vaneye Score:1 wello!!! for me anime is anime, this anime shows cultures of horror in japan .... and its good unlike the american horror bootlegs ~~~
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blazinghunterkyrie Score:0 complaining about the animation? like i always say if u cant do better keep you mouth shut XD and as for the 3 episode well duh its 11 episodes total so 4 + 4 + 3 = 11 =D
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Fleet Admiral

Score:3, Insightful How is complaining about the animation wrong? Just because you can't do something doesn't mean you can't be critical of others when it's their job to do so. You would certainly complain about a hairdresser giving you a bad haricut. Why? Because it's their job, they're supposed to know what they're doing. Criticizing animation quality is a perfectly legitimate thing to do, regardless of your own skills or experience.
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Evil Empire Overlord

Score:3, Informative In my defense, as the reviewer, I am supposed to inform you, the reader, what I found to be good or bad and why. That is the point of writing a review. Someone get this kid a dictionary.

Thank you MissWings, I can always count on an objective assessment from you.

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MeiMisaki Score:1 Cool
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