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Guide to our Waifu System!

The Waifu system allows you to compete with other members for the love and affection of your favorite characters.

We use the term NTR for when a Waifu you claimed is claimed by another member.

We try to keep track of how much time you have held a claim on a character. As soon as someone steals your claim, the counter stops for you, and resumes for them.

We keep a running counter for
1. Total Time Together
2. Current Session
3. Longest Session

And we track the number of times a character is NTR'd

Characters with the official gender set as Male are considered Husbando's & Onii-chan's.
Characters with the official gender set as Female are considered Waifu's & Imouto's .

There is a limit of 99 characters you can hold as Waifu & Husbando, as well as a separate limit of 99 for Onii-chan & Imouto.

[Image] represents 100% Happiness with a character

[Image] represents unhappiness
[Image] represents happiness

Newly claimed Waifu characters start at 1% happiness.
Happiness decreases at a rate of 1% per day per character.

Currently there are no consequences for allowing unhappiness to exceed -100%. This may change! While we will never delete a character from your list, we may deactivate your claim.

How can you increase happiness?

For new members, your best option is to click [Image]

From here, you can "Talk" with your character up to 4 times per day per character. This'll give you an easy 4% happiness.

Reclaiming your Waifu also restores 1% happiness. A brutal back and forth battle is another way to hit / maintain 100%.

Random Items


You can claim up to 3 per day.

There is a reclaim all ( gives 1% happiness on reclaim )
Party ( gives + 5% happiness to all characters )
Lucky Gify ( gives 50% happiness to one character )

Use these to get a head start, or lazily stay in the game. ^^

For for regular members, there is the crafting system!

After treasure hunting for a while, you're likely to have collected a lot of spare cards.

You can convert these into essences, and then craft those essences into gifts you can then give to your waifu!

It's easier done then said.

Essence Extractor

Referrals and Badges

You can find your badge here: maiwaifu.php#badge

You can make a custom badge here: makewaifubadge.php

It's also possible to upload your own image to use. Just find the character, go to the Additional Images section, and upload. Then head back to the custom badge page, click the link to # images next to the characters name, and select the image to use.

It'll crop it to 500x and center it in a 500x100 container. Experiment, and have fun!

We're keeping track of our top 100 promoters and there may even be prizes should someone be the first to reach a magic number.

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