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Feb 25, 2015

Limits on treasure hunting now depend on the Treasure Hunting License held.

S Rank has a daily cap of 200.
SS Rank only be issued by an admin, and has a cap of 100,000 daily ( essentially unlimited )

There is now a cap on Jewels. After 150 pearls, 100 will be converted into a pony.

There is now a cap on card copies. You can only have 10,000 cards.

There is a 50% chance of any chest containing a card.

At certain times ( first 15 minutes of every hour ), there will be a 100% chance of collecting cards.

Licenses currently do not expire, and cost nothing to auto renew. This will eventually change.

Cheating is not allowed. Anyone using bots/scripts to auto treasure hunt runs the risk of having Jewels, Cards, License revoked, and their account banned.

January 1st, 2015

Card Collection Limits

SSS Card : You can find only a max of 2.
F-SS : You can find any number of these.

You can open a max of 200 chests in a day.

Voting for Character of the Day will add a chest to that character's profile the next time it is viewed.
You can vote for 5 characters each day, so take advantage of those 5 free chests!

Possible Pending Changes

- Chance of card in every chest
- Fewer events, still with 100% odds during the events

- Issuing random cards will prioritize cards you don't already have

Edited by Nori13 20 Dec 2015

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