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Cool Down Policy:

In the Lounge it has been common of late for members to lose their cool leaving mods at a quandary at what to do. Banning them is too harsh for simple arguments and insults but ignoring causes the problem to grow until the situation blows up. As such a few guidelines are in order.

In incidents involving simple insults and arguments, the first response of any admin is to make sure that there is an injured member, if the members are enjoying what they are are doing at no one's benefit then there is no reason to get involved.

If there is an individual(s) causing mild problems tell them in private using the username:message system to knock it off. This will serve as a warning, remember give warning in private.

If their behavior is not corrected then kick them.

THEN PM them telling them you kicked them and why you kicked them, do not be condescending.
PM is important if banning them from lounge. If it's a short kick, you do not have to.

Once punishment lapses do not bring it up, it is over and you (the mod) need not plow old ground.

If you are a member and you see this going on PM a mod and they will look into it.

IMPORTANT: With the exception of Rei no one is immune from this. This means if mods engage in above behavior with admin box they can be kicked just as easily.

Also if you get caught abusing the kick power there will be consequences. If you do not send someone a PM after you kick them that can be grounds for "abuse".

First Draft by CaptainBrain

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