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The purpose of this book is simple. it shows you a list of foreign speaking members by what language they speak. This is designed because either 1.) A member can speak English, but whose grasp is weak enough that being able to get help from a person who is comfortable with their mother tongue(s) would still be appreciated or 2.) They used Google Translator to "translate" this site but wish to contribute. (This could also help determine what language(s) this site needs to be translated in).

NOTE: if you are a non-admin who wants be put on the list go to this forum post. Also unless otherwise noted all admins speak English fluently.

By becoming a part of this directory you will receive an award that corresponds with the language(s) you speak.

If you are adding your name please first add the tile of your language (bold and underlined) and put your name under it. This makes navigation easier, list your language in alphabetical order as it would appear in English, if that language is not already listed( if it is just list your name in the appropriate section(s). This also allows for people who are trilingual to list their names multiple times. Do "center" your names (if you don't know how just add it and I or someone else who does will make that edit. Make sure you put a link to your account next to your name so they can contact you.
日本語 - Japanese

Português - Portuguese

Español - Spanish

Tiếng Việt - Vietnamese

Written by CaptainBrain 4/11/2013
Edited by 13x31 6/23/2014

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